Hut HaMeshulash has spent over twenty years helping more than a thousand young people every year. We couldn’t do it without your help.


Join us in our groundbreaking work

תמונת הירו להיות שותף

Our community of donors creates daily impact, helping us rehabilitate thousands of at-risk teenagers and young adults.
Join them in supporting us.

For secure online donation >> Click here 
To donate via bank transfer >> Hut HaMeshulash, Bank Massad 46, Branch 515, Account No. 415804
To donate by phone >> +972- 052-7501119 or +972-02-6254027

There are many ways to volunteer with us, and we try to make sure that each volunteer finds something that suits them.
We would be happy to work with you! Contact us on +972- 052-7501119 or +972-02-6254027

One of the things that makes us happiest is connecting with others in order to do good.

Partnerships and collaborations can take many forms – the sky’s the limit.
We would love to hear from you, and we’ll take it from there.
Contact us on +972- 052-7501119 or +972-02-6254027

Annual reports icon

Annual report for 2021 >> Click Here


Hut HaMeshulash in numbers – from its establishment until today​

חוט לבן מפריד

The Open Space Drop-in Center

0 +
teenagers and young adults

Young Men’s Home

0 +
young men

Young Women’s Home

0 +
young women

Unit for Young Pregnant Woman

0 +
babies born

Transitional Accommodation

0 +
young people

Vocational training program

0 +
completed the program
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